Great Canadian Energy Essay and Earth Day Pledges

Great Canadian Energy Source -
Some of the students have already researched and identified 10 facts about the chosen energy resource. Students are expected to cite their resources and also provide details to support their facts. For example, any research, scientific data, numbers or statistical data that supports the facts. Students are also asked to categorize each of the fact to have evidence for being a political, social, economic or environmental factor. Today, we also talked about main energy sources in Alberta.

Earth Day Pledge -
As part of our Earth Day activities and assembly that would be happening on coming Friday, today every student has typed a contract and pledged to do one thing for next 5 days that would be beneficial for Earth and its resources. Please ask your kids about their pledges.

Graphing linear equations -
We worked more on plotting linear equations. We practiced questions where
(i) an equation would be given and students have to come up with Input/Output Table, select the co-ordinates and draw the graphs from using the co-ordinates.
(ii) Input/Output table would be provided and the students have to come up with Input/Output Rule or linear equation and then plot the graph using coordinates.
Currently, we are working on an Math assignment sheet for this concept.  


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